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The First Division

The First Division

  • Planning and compiling the fiscal budget for the university.
  • To manage fiscal budget distribution, periodic budget execution projects, and construction of tables of revenue and expenditure estimates.
  • To manage revenues, expenditures, and voucher verification in the accounting operation of receipts under custody, government subsidies, project grants under the third category of cooperative education, testing services and related administration fees, and budget balance.
  • To review applications for the deposit and withdrawal of safekeeping funds.
  • To manage office mails, official documents, property registration, and other administrative operations.
  • To manage the procurement of computers and the maintenance of the online accounting system.




Division Chief

Chen, Wen-Ying



  • Taking charge of affairs of the First Division.
  • Managing school budget distribution.
  • Temporary assignment.


Chang, Ching-Hui



  • Planning and compiling annual school budget.
  • Making plans for periodic budget execution and compiling tables of estimates of revenue and expenditure.
  • Other government-subsidized projects (excluding NSTC, MOE)(accounting code: H-B).
  • Audit funding and budget control of government commissioned projects (Q-E).
  • Auditing receipt and payment vouchers for matching grants from Taiwan Comprehensive University System (GM1104).
  • Temporary assignment.

  Division Staffer

Kuo, Yi-Ping



  • Auditing receipt and payment vouchers for subsidies from MOE and local government agencies (accounting code: H-A).
  • Auditing receipt an payment vouchers for subsidies from government agencies (accounting code: H-C).
  • Supervising the process of tendering and procurement of the First Division.
  • Temporary assignment.

Division Staffer

Chen, Lung-Chih



  • Managing the accounting operation of receipts under custody.
  • Audit funding and budget control of government commissioned projects (Q-G).
  • Managing the accounting operation of testing services (including resource recycling service) and related administration fees (GA).
  • Managing the accounting operation of resource recycling service (GB) and related administration fees.
  • Managing the accounting operation of grants in the third category of cooperative education (H,Q,G).
  • Management of office mails and documents, management of property registration, and administrative operations.
  • Inspection operations of the First Division.
  • Temporary assignment.

Junior Administrator

Tsai, Chia-Hsin



  • Procurement of computers, contract requisition, and maintenance of the online accounting system.
  • Electronic administrative operations of the office.
  • Managing the accounting operation of grants in the third category of cooperative education (MOTC, MOENV, OAC and MOA). 
  • Temporary assignment.

Assistant Administrator

Chen, Po-Ying



  • Audit funding and budget control of government commissioned projects (Q-P, Q-S).
  • Temporary assignment.

Project Worker

Chen, Po-Cheng



  • Registration and delivery of official documents.
  • Audit funding and budget control of government commissioned projects (Q-A, Q-H).
  • Auditing applications for deposit and withdrawal of safekeeping funds.
  • Temporary assignment.

Project Worker

Yang, Shu-Man



  • Managing the accounting operation of grants in the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufaturing.
  • Managing the accounting operation of grants in the third category of cooperative education (MOEA, SCIENCE PARK, NSTC and others). 
  • Temporary assignment.

Mr. Lin



  • Delivery of receipts and vouchers.
  • Office cleaning and maintenance.
  • Temporary assignment.
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