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The Second Division

The Second Division

  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for the annual budget of the university endowment fund designated to support the missions of teaching, research and administration (including the budget for NCKU-affiliated Tainan Industrial Senior High School).
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for the budget of the Higher Education Sprout Project.
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for the annual budget designated for personnel expenses, sports activities and degree examinations.
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for the budget for the acquisition, improvement and expansion of fixed assets, intangible assets, and deferred charges for building renovation.
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for tuition, miscellaneous fee, credit-hour fees, and exemption from related payments; the budget for in-service master’s degree programs; royalty and other designated revenues and expenditures.
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher verification for the annual budget designated for extension education, facilities and equipment, donations and investments.
  • To inform all academic and administrative units to settle their budget accounts for the fiscal year and to handle application for a reserved operation for the acquisition, improvement and expansion of fixed assets.
  • To supervise the proceedings of tendering, inspection and acceptance for designated construction projects and procurement of property and services; to review related contracts.




Division Chief

Wang, Li-Yin



  • Managing business operations in the Second Division.
  • Temporary assignment.




Kao, Hua-Ying



  • Audit controls of budgets for personnel expenses (including mentoring fees and disability personnel expenses).
  • Review of budgets for NCKU Health Service and Digital Innovation Promotion Office and NCKU-affiliated Tainan Industrial Senior High School office.
  • Review of budgets for student scholarships and assistantships (Categories  R). 
  • Review of annual budget for equipment costs (Categories T , R and proposals).
  • Consolidation of equipment fee retention operations.
  • Handle execution rate control of fixed asset construction improvement and expansion.
  • Review of library budgets for books and equipment costs and electronic journal funds (Category R).
  • Consolidate comprehensive official documents, auditing collection, statistical data compilation, ,questionnaires collection and online announcements.
  • Managing the accounting operation of grants in the NCKU-affiliated Tainan Industrial Senior High School.
  • Manage the revenue and expenditure audit and control of venue equipment (Category KY).
  • Supervising inspection operations for the budget for construction projects.
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • Temporary assignment.

Division Staffer

Wang, Yi-Ching



  • Coordinate the budget control operation and file maintenance of accounting systems of the second division.
  • Consolidate the comprehensive notification of second division.
  • Accounting operations for credit (miscellaneous) fees, MOE subsidies (capital and ordinary), interest revenue, overdue default payments, and miscellaneous incomes. 
  • Review of annual ordinary account budgets (Category R) for the Offices of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs , Research and Development, International Affairs, and Finance.
  • Review of budgets for water, electric, phone bill(R-1805) and construction.
  • Supervising bidding operations for the budget for construction projects.
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • Temporary assignment.

Division Staffer

Pan, Jian-Hong



  • Review of budgets for departments and institutes in the Colleges of Sciences, Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Planning and Design, and Miin Wu School of Computing (Category R). 
  • Review of budgets for Computer and Network Center, Alumni Association Center, Center for General Education, Aerospace Science and Technology Research Center, Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology, Pollution Prevention Center, College-affiliated centers, Health Center (NCKU Hospital), Art Center, NCKU Museum, and Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences (Category R).
  • Review of budgets for student counseling activities.
  • Review of budgets for graduate program degree examinations, sports activities and master’s programs for in-service students balances and management fees.(YS, YK, YE, YR and YU). 
  • On-site supervision of inspection operations for property and labor service procurement.
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • Temporary assignment.

Division Staffer

Ms. Yieh




  • Review of budgets for annual and self-raised funds for building renovation and deferred charges.
  • Review of budgets from school-controlled funds for capital and ordinary expenditures.
  • Audit controls of revenues and expenditures (capital and ordinary) from donations (Category F).
  • On-site supervision of bidding operations for property procurement.
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • Temporary assignment.


Chen, Wen-Chun



  • Handle fixed asset construction and consolidation application retention cases. 
  • Review of budgets for public relations. (Category R).
  • Review of budgets for chair professorship (Category R-B).
  • Review of budgets for the promotion of scientific and technological development (T1100), overseas travel expenses, and travel expenses in mainland China, Purdue MS-NCKU BS Dual Degree Programs, Cross College Elite Program, and other special accounts for tuition fees.
  • Review of budgets miscellaneous incomes (Category Y).
  • Disaster prevention and personal information management.
  • Review of budgets for R01 to R03 funds.
  • Review of educational budgets (Category R) for affiliated units in the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Medicine (including engineering funds), Management, Biosciences and Biotechnology, Social Science, and Foreign Language Center. 
  • Review of revenues and expenditures (capital and ordinary) from royalty projects (Category P). 
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • The informaition co-organizer for the second divison.
  • Pre-issued receipts documents.
  • Temporary assignment.

Assistant Administrator

Wu, Sing-shio



  • Review of designated unit budgets (Category R) for administration and general affairs, teaching business (ordinary accounts).
  • Review of budgets for administration and general affairs (Category T).
  • Managing general expenses for the premises of General Affairs Office (T1400).
  • Review of revenues and expenditures from summer programs and master’s programs for in-service students (excluding balances and management fees) (YS, YK, YE, YR and YU).
  • Review of budgets for extension education (Category K).
  • Review of budget documents from the supervised units.
  • Assist to assign the official documents.
  • General affairs for the second division. (Main person in charge.)
  • Temporary assignment.

Assistant Administrator

Hsie, Yen-Ping



  • Review budgets of Higher Education Sprout Projects and Bilingual Projects (Category D and DH) (including renovation and maintenance projects) for DX-B55XX (Office of International Affairs), Merit Pay ,internationalization Special Chapter (D***-Y5501), Information Security Special Chapter (D***-Y6001), College of Medicine and Miin Wu School of Computing.
  • Accounting operations for budget allocation, payment application, and compilation of revenues and expenditures under the Higher Education Sprout Project  and Bilingual Projects (Category DH).
  • Monthly advance transfer operations for Higher Education Sprout Project.
  • Temporary assignment.

Project Worker

Tsai, Yi-Chien



  • Review budgets of Higher Education Sprout Projects (Category D) and Bilingual Projects (Category DH)  (including renovation and maintenance projects)for Bilingual Matching funds (R***-CB0502), Library and the College of Science , College of Engineering and College of Planning and Design.
  • The point of information contact  for the second division.
  • Temporary assignment.


Assistant Administrator

Ms. Chang



  • Review of Higher Education Sprout Project budgets and Bilingual Projects (Category D and DH) (including renovation and maintenance projects) for graduate program degree examinations, student scholarships and assistantships, designated centers, Colleges of Liberal Art, Social Sciences, Management, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Bioscience and Biotechnology.
  • Review of Higher Education Sprout Project budgets for featured areas research centers under (Category D-H).
  • Review of Higher Education Sprout Project budgets for industry-academia centers under (Category D-C).
  • Review of Higher Education Sprout Project budgets for USR projects (Category D-U).
  • Review of Higher Education Sprout Project budgets for the underprivileged (Category D-L).
  • Temporary assignment.

Ms. Lin

  • Taking charge of assigning purchase data files. 
  • Taking charge of keying in purchase data in the accounting system.
  • Official document desk registration. (Main person in charge.)
  • Office cleaning and maintenance.
  • The general affairs co-organizer for the second division.
  • Temporary assignment.
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