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The Third Division

The Third Division

  • To compile annual financial statements, semi-annual balance statements, and monthly accounting reports.
  • To compile and compose performance reports.
  • To manage the accounting operation and voucher preservation for deposits, guarantee deposits, payments and prepayments.
  • To manage revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of the university endowment fund, government-subsidized projects, and testing services.
  • To manage the accounting operation for addition, subtraction and retirement of properties..
  • To manage uniform receipts issued by NCKU.
  • To audit the accounting operation of the Cashier Division..




Division Chief

Wu, Hsiu-Yuan



  • Managing business operations in the Division.
  • Providing the NCKU Endowment Fund Management Committee with related information.
  • Temporary assignments.


Chuang, Ying-Shan



  • Compiling monthly accounting reports, semi-annual balance statements, and annual financial statements.
  • Managing official documents and reports to the Ministry of Education.
  • Reviewing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of projects for receipts under custody (Category C), projects for cooperative education (Category G), and government granted projects (Category H).
  • Managing the affairs of the cashier-related accounting supervisory task force.
  • Fill in the information on the mid-range school development plan and implementation results report.
  • Fill out the Higher Education Database form.
  • Establishing files for accounts of the university endowment fund and safekeeping of related accounting documents.
  • Managing the operation of time deposit.
  • Temporary assignments.

Division Staffer

Chen, Chia-Chuan



  • Assist to compiling monthly accounting reports. (AISSM)
  • Assist to compile the general description of annual financial statements and the detailed statement of fund transfers.
  • Composing performance reports.
  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of projects for receipts under custody (Category C), projects for cooperative education (Category G), and government granted projects (Category H and N).
  • Managing the verification of reports of revenues and expenditures and the administration of official documents in the accounting operation of projects for receipts under custody (Category C), projects for cooperative education (Category G), and government-granted projects (Category H).
  • Establish and maintain various payment data of suppliers.
  • Accounting treatment of uncashed, expired checks.
  • Temporary assignments.


Chang, Ya-Jing



  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of the Higher Education Sprout Project (Category D) and Bilingual Projects (Category DH).
  • Managing official documents and payment vouchers in the accounting operation of the Higher Education Sprout Project (Category D).
  • Retention of accounting documents.
  • Management of the archive room and temporary workers.
  • Temporary assignments.


Lin, Qi-Min



  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of capital reinvestment (Including RP , money market funds and stocks).
  • Managing revenues, expenditures and transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of tuition and miscellaneous fees (excluding revenues from in-service master’s programs and Category R).
  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers for the ASSIM.
  • Managing the accounting operation for retirement, transfer and depreciation of properties.
  • Managing the accounting operation of donated assets.
  • Verifying the daily cash report. (ASSIM)
  • Destruction of accounting documents.
  • Temporary assignments.

Assistant Administrator

Ms. Wu



  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers for extension education (Category K), in-service master’s programs and related revenues (Category Y), university endowment funds (Category T), royalty payment for technology transfer (Category P), and donations (Category F).
  • Managing foreign travel expenses and travel expenses in mainland China.
  • Entering data of remittances made by the Cashier’s Division.
  • Temporary assignments.

Assistant Administrator

Chu, Rong-Yi



  • Preparation of small payment expenditure vouchers.
  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of safekeeping funds, pensions, and resignation pay.
  • Managing the control of uniform invoices and the preservation of related receipts.
  • Assisting in inventory counts of properties.
  • Verifying the daily cash report. (University)
  • Temporary assignments.

Assistant Administrator

Lee, Hui-Ru



  • Managing revenues, expenditures, transfer vouchers in the accounting operation of the government commissioned projects (Category Q).
  • Managing official documents and payment vouchers in the accounting operation of the government commissioned projects (Category Q).
  • Managing the remittance data of the cashier division, transfer payment list and payee information of vouchers.
  • Custody of the remittance data of the cashier group.
  • Temporary assignments.

Ms. Lu

Ms. Shi

Ms Chen

Ms. Hou

  • Managing accounting vouchers for all categories.
  • Review accounting vouchers. 
  • Retrieval of vouchers.
  • Temporary assignments.




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